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Co-native och HSB i fortsätt samarbete med nytt ramavtal
May 14, 2024

Co-native och HSB i fortsätt samarbete med nytt ramavtal

Co-native har tecknat ett ramavtal för att leverera konsult- och cloudtjänster till HSB. Avtalet sträcker sig över tre år och är fortsättningen på en långvarig relation. Ramavtalet innebär att Co-native kommer fortsätta stötta HSB på deras digitaliseringsresa med tjänster inom moln och modern work.

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Co-native company Elastic Move appoints Magnus Histrup as new CEO
January 24, 2024

Co-native company Elastic Move appoints Magnus Histrup as new CEO

Co-native, Home of Cloud Specialists, is thrilled to announce the appointment of Magnus Histrup as CEO of Elastic Move, effective February 1, 2024. Magnus, with an impressive career spanning over three decades in business, sales, leadership, and IT, aligns seamlessly with the strategic direction of Elastic Move.

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A simple philosophy

Co-native means “co-operation of cloud native companies”. Our philosophy is simple: Bringing together companies that are masters in cloud: Microsoft, AWS and Google Cloud – working together as autonomous companies and brands. We believe this will create energy, growth and great customer offerings.

Interested in joining Co-native? Let’s talk!

Are you a cloud specialist company? We would like to get in touch with you. Our process for joining Co-native is straightforward. The first step is an introductory meeting to get to know each other. If everything feels right for everybody, you’ll get a proposal from us.

The founders

Co-native’s founders build on an long experience of the cloud industry and tech entrepreneurship


Linus Lindström

Linus is the co-founder and former CEO of Xenit AB

[email protected]

Fredrik Arnander

Fredrik is a tech entrepreneur and investor

[email protected]

Robin Kindberg

Robin is the co-founder and former COO of Xenit AB

[email protected]

What we stand for

We believe in creating a new group where the best companies can co-exist for more customer value and financial wealth. The group builds on three core values.



We co-operate to create new digital customer offerings that deliver value



We are digital experts in our respective domains, constantly developing our skills



We generously develop business together in a sharing, respectful and kind way


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